Thursday, 25 February 2016

When I say diversity, you say....?"

  Diversity is an Essential Piece of the Puzzle when solving "Wicked Problems"

Jilian Stambolich, February 25th, 2016

diversitynoun  di·ver·si·ty  \də-ˈvər-sə-tē, dī-\Simple Definition of diversity (Merriam-Webster): the quality or state of having many different forms, types,
 ideas, etc.
: the state of having people who are different races or who
 have different cultures in a group or organization

I wonder, when educators say, "we value diversity in our school/organization", whether the first, or second, definition comes to mind? 

I wonder, when educators say, "we value diversity in our school/organization", whether THEY are referencing the first or second definition?

Let me give you an example.  In a recent group discussion trying to mine thinking about traditional vs. on-line schooling, someone said, "traditional schools are diverse because they welcome anyone from the community by postal code, and in On-line learning, it is diverse because many different people can sign up."

In the latest Rotman Management magazine, Winter 2015,  focussed on Wicked Problems, Editor Karen Christensen links a few "big ideas" to support thinking, when it is "messy, reactive, and there is no single solution." 

  • empathy
  • gender
  • listening
  • generational learning
  • current research
  • integrative thinking tools
  • collaborative learning
So, are groups of different people able to think differently?  Aren't communities often linked by commonly held beliefs and values? Don't most people sign up for an online course because they have a beginning interest in it? And- If its beginning understanding, isn't it often based on popular belief?  And-Isn't this, in fact, NOT diverse, but common knowledge?  

My notion is that, unless we collectively consider both definitions of diversity when working with "wicked problems", our outcomes will be based on a culture of niceness, where no "critical friends", or divergent thinking, challenges our current stance. 
If we don't move off our current stance how will we solve these "Wicked Problems?

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Are We MORE Ready For Inquiry Based Learning THIS Time?

This blog is intended to help make my thinking visible and to work through current thinking...

Are We More Ready 
for Inquiry Based Learning 
This Time? 
-Reflections: Reading the Dennis Hall Report in Education for Ontario -1968 and Now-

I was listening to an afternoon show called "Rewind" on CBC radio.  The host Michael Enright takes listeners back in time, by replaying archived broadcasts.  This one was about Teenagers, and was first aired in 1973. As I listened to the thinking from teenagers and braodcasters from 1973, I thought, "not much has changed..."!  HahahaComments on rules, conformity, "hippies", school culture, smoking, women's roles in society and the state of Education sounded eerily familiar.  
Then, the commentator made a reference to the Dennis Hall Report, and a passing comment on "allowing students to have more of a say in their education".  As I processed this statement, suddenly I remembered this was a broadcast from 1973! 
So, I did what any "modern learner" might do, I grabbed my phone, 
and Googled "Dennis Hall Report".

Image result for living and learning report 1968
Here's what I found fascinating...

The official title of the report is Living and Learning - The Report of the Provincial Committee on Aims and Objectives of Education in the Schools of Ontario, commonly known as Living and Learning.  Written by Mr. Justice E. M. Hall and Mr. L.A. Dennis, the report was a response to an Order-In-Council from 1965:
 "And whereas it is deemed expedient to appoint a Provincial Committee to make a careful study of the means whereby modern education can meet the present and future needs of children and society."
I have bolded the modern, just as a reminder... that this was written in 1965!

In 1968, when Living and Learning was released, the 20 plus authors began with an introduction entitled The Truth Shall Make You Free.  Here they provided direction on how to achieve the goals: (highlights to compare to today's thinking)

  • Wisdom and understanding, sensitivity, compassion, and responsibility, as well as intellectual honesty and personal integrity, will be his guides in adolescence and his companions in maturity.
  • Today, on every side, however, there is heard a growing demand for a fresh look at education in Ontario.... We heard from alienated students, frustrated teachers, irate parents, and concerned educators. Many public organizations and private individuals have told us of their growing discontent and lack of confidence in a school system which, in their opinion, has become outmoded and is failing those it exists to serve.
But most astoundingly, 47 years ago, the best thinkers in Ontario penned:
  • (His) natural curiosity and initiative must be recognized and developed. New methods of assessment and promotion must be devised. Counselling by competent persons should be an integral part of the educational process. The atmosphere within the class room must be positive and encouraging. The fixed positions of pupil and teacher, the insistence on silence, and the punitive approach must give way to a more relaxed teacher-pupil relationship which will encourage discussion, inquiry, and experimentation, and enhance the dignity of the individual. (Dennis Hall Report, 1973)

Here's what Ontario published in 2014: 
Image result for achieving excellence

“Student engagement and curiosity could be addressed through stronger development of 21st century learning skills and well-being. We could call this the ‘new entrepreneurial spirit’–a spirit characterized by innovation, risk-taking, commitment, and skilled problem solving in the service of a better future.”
 – Council of Ontario Directors of Education

So, I wonder, are we more ready in 2016? Is it time for inquiry based learning, now?

I welcome your thoughts!

To Read the Living and Learning Report, try this link:

Jilian - A Modern Learner... then and now!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Peeling the Onion - A recent history of renewed passion for teaching and learning, layer by layer...

I was first introduced to the metaphor of peeling an onion
(actions taken to get to the root cause of something), by a naturopath.  My stomach was constantly in knots, rumbling or just plain hurting. 

Not only did I not have the patience for this inconvenient pain, I didn't have time to get to the reason "why".  I just wanted to know "what" to do to fix it.

She told me that it was going to be a process, like peeling the layers of an onion.  That the layers and layers of reasons and contributing factors leading to how I was feeling, and the symptoms I was experiencing, were not because of a single event.  I would have to discover, uncover and relearn some eating and stress habits that were causing me such discomfort.  It would take time.  It would be a journey.

This single moment, created just for my understanding, by a caring and compassionate person, has completely influenced my thinking about learning and teaching. Rather than wallowing, I was curious.  What had caused me to think, "I'm so unhappy?".  What if I could make a change.  A shift...

We often hear about the "shift" from theories in change leadership.  The "shift" can happen when behaviour and attitude changes, or when everyone knows "Why" they should take the risk, or, when the last initiators just run out of energy to fight the mainstream movement. 

But to truly shift, you have to feel the pain.  
Try and fail.  
Fail elegantly and try a new way with a new plan.  
Plan with someone.
Ask for help.  
Help someone else.

A-ha! Peel back a layer.  I wondered... was my emotional state a cause of my internal pain?