Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Peeling the Onion - A recent history of renewed passion for teaching and learning, layer by layer...

I was first introduced to the metaphor of peeling an onion
(actions taken to get to the root cause of something), by a naturopath.  My stomach was constantly in knots, rumbling or just plain hurting. 

Not only did I not have the patience for this inconvenient pain, I didn't have time to get to the reason "why".  I just wanted to know "what" to do to fix it.

She told me that it was going to be a process, like peeling the layers of an onion.  That the layers and layers of reasons and contributing factors leading to how I was feeling, and the symptoms I was experiencing, were not because of a single event.  I would have to discover, uncover and relearn some eating and stress habits that were causing me such discomfort.  It would take time.  It would be a journey.

This single moment, created just for my understanding, by a caring and compassionate person, has completely influenced my thinking about learning and teaching. Rather than wallowing, I was curious.  What had caused me to think, "I'm so unhappy?".  What if I could make a change.  A shift...

We often hear about the "shift" from theories in change leadership.  The "shift" can happen when behaviour and attitude changes, or when everyone knows "Why" they should take the risk, or, when the last initiators just run out of energy to fight the mainstream movement. 

But to truly shift, you have to feel the pain.  
Try and fail.  
Fail elegantly and try a new way with a new plan.  
Plan with someone.
Ask for help.  
Help someone else.

A-ha! Peel back a layer.  I wondered... was my emotional state a cause of my internal pain?

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